Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy V-day y'all

Happy Valentines Day to you!
A this time of year I usually go nuts and do a lot of sugary-sweet v-day related art that is drowning in pink and hearts. Not this year. Just couldn't work myself up into the mood.

But today I managed to squeeze out a little love.

In water color! This is quite rare for me. So rare in fact that I only just bought me some watercolors last weekend. (I probably have some around here already, it's just been years since I touched them). 

I dislike working with watercolor, really. Though this one wasn't so bad. Maybe I'll get used to them the way I eventually learned to love using ink and nibs. Love what some people can do with this medium. 

This lil' thing was made on a little watercolor postcard I was given a pack of years ago. Finally used one. Good for me. Second watercolor I've done in as many days.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Ninja Thing #2

Made another installment of "Ninja Thing," which is what I call Challenge Week 4's entry in my mind.

Here it is:

It was fun to do.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Website Update, and old updates

Website has been updated again. This time under Links.

I am also removing the old updates from the main page on my website, and replacing it with a general intro. For purposes of memory and such they shall live on in this post:

01-19-09: Added a new illustration to Art. In other news, soon I'll only be reporting updates to this website on the Art Blog.

01-03-09: Added information to About.

01-01-09: Happy New Year! Kicking it off with a new look for the site. Now starring Medusa. Also, new link added to the link bar, called blog, which will lead you to non other than my Art Blog.

12-14-08: New illustration added to Art.

12-10-08: Removed a comic and some sketches from Art. Eliminated the splash page, as it was unnecessary.

12-06-08: Added illustrations to Art.

11-05-08: Added sketches to Art.

10-13-08: A comic and some sketches have been added to Art.

10-12-08: Tweeking done in About.

09-17-08: Illustrations have been added in Art.

09-12-08: Sketches have been added in Art.

09-11-08: Comics have been added in Art.

09-09-08: This is the official site of Caroline Christian, cartoonist. Things are still under construction, but please have a look around anyways.

FIA: Comic Exhibits

Saturday I went to the Flint Institute of Arts (FIA) with good friend Desmond to see one of their current exhibits, "Comics, Heroes and American Visual Culture." It was soooo good. It was great to see so many old and new ORIGINAL comic pages on display. There was some Winsor McCay (no Little Nemo or anything fancy like that, but still), an old Thimble Theatre starring Popeye, some stuff by Jack Kirby, some Krazy Kat, Blondie, Buck Rogers, Dick Tracy, and a whole lot of other stuff. If I'd been thinking I would have brought a pad and pencil to take names/notes. 

It was fantastic to get up close to those old originals and see how something was done. How neat or messy the original was.

Right next to that gallery was another great exhibit, "Beyond the Frame: African American Comic Book Artists." It had a lot of fantastic art as well, but not as many originals. Mostly digital prints of the original inked pages, or art that was digitally colored. Some originals though, including little rough thumbnails. Some of these artists are graduates of SVA (hooray).

Someone who worked there came up to me and Desmond, and started telling us the history of comics and stuff. We let her. It was fun. I chortled once she went off to see other museum goers. I learned all that already, and more! <--- That's what I was thinking. It was cute though. I wonder if she has to memorize that sort of thing every time they get a new exhibit there. She seemed really enthusiastic.

The survey guys at the entrance to the exhibits tended to ignore me and favor Desmond. I have theories as to why... but no proof. Like I'm a girl and therefor not as interested or knowledgeable about comics? Or... other reasons? Maybe I'm scary and unapproachable? (haha, that'd be a fun reason).

All in all. Excellent. I recommend anybody close enough to Flint, MI, to see this while it's there. Both will be around till April 26. Saturdays are free.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Challenge Week 4: Cliffhanger

The last one.

There it is. Doesn't have everything Desmond requested in it. It would if it were to continue into a real daily comic. He asked for this: "A three panel serial. Weekly. Pulp era comics-esque cliffhangers. With ninjas, zombies, pirates and cyborgs." If it were to continue, I know how the pirates would fit in and where. Same with the cyborgs. I know what happens next. Haha. You don't.
